Once a year the UC Berkeley chapter of Pi Tau Sigma chooses an instructor to be named the Professor of the Year and to be presented with the “Excellence in Teaching” award. This award has been awarded for decades to the instructor that has shown the most dedication and support for student learning. Simply lecturing in the classroom is not enough. Those nominated are dedicated to teaching and mentoring the student so that they can be better students, engineers, and members of society.

Tomasz Matlak, President of the UC
Berkeley Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma,
presents the Excellence in Teaching Award to
Professor R. W. Yeung
The effort displayed by these instructors does not go unnoticed by the students. Each year the members of Pi Tau Sigma nominate instructors that have shown exemplary work towards helping students.
This year’s award was presented to Professor Ronald W. Yeung. Professor Yeung has been part of the Berkeley faculty since 1982 with his research focusing on hydromechanics and ocean engineering. Although most students do not meet him until their senior year—he primarily teaches upper division electives and graduate courses—as soon as they do, they have nothing but positive words to say. Some comments about him include:
“He looks out for the students’ best interests.”
“He always challenged us.”
“Whenever you talk with him, you leave feeling better. He is able to teach you and is always willing to answer questions posed to him.”
Pi Tau Sigma highly recommends getting to know Professor Yeung, and if the opportunity arises, to take a class with him.
Thank you Professor Yeung for your efforts, and CONGRATULATIONS!