ME's (and OEGG's) Yiannis Constantinides Wins Best Student Paper Prize
Mechanical Engineering graduate student Yiannis Constantinides presented his MS research as a technical paper at the Northern California Meeting of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineering (SNAME) on March 21, 2002. His paper, entitled "Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Cylinders with Fins," will be awarded the national SNAME-2002 Graduate Honor Prize, the top student paper award of the Society each year. Yiannis worked in the Computational Marine Mechanics Laboratory (CMML) of Professor R. W. Yeung (Mechanical Engineering and Ocean Engineering Graduate Group). Many of our undergaduates may remember him since he was also a GSI . Yiannis served as the EJC representative of the student chapter of Cal-SNAME. Yiannis will receive an award plaque and a $500 cash prize at the President's Luncheon of the Annual Meeting of the Society, held in Boston, MA., this September.
Vortical flow from the CMML computational model showing how a 40% fin can disrupt the formation of vortex street.
VIV is a result of alternating vortex-shedding pattern and gives rise to detrimental effects on cables and offshore "risers."